
President of Ysaye society Japan/General Producer
日本イザイ協会会長/ 企画構成/ 総合プロデュ―サー

1952年北九州市出身。桐朋学園大学演奏学科ピアノ専攻在学中、フランスに渡りMarguerite Long 、Yves Natの高弟子の一人であるLucetteDescavesのもとで研鑽を積んだ。大学卒業後は故郷北九州市に在住、19年間、同大学の分室講師を務めながら、クラシック名曲ギャラリーin北九州(小倉市民会館)、10人の巨匠を追って(北九州市響ホール)、ロマンティックX'masコンサート(門司港レトロ地区・田川郡)、美術館コンサート(田川市)、名曲をきく金曜日(宮崎県小林市)、病院コンサート(柳川市)、県内小中学校コンサート、福智町音楽祭など、テーマ性のあるシリーズ公演を長年に亘り企画、演奏をおこなう。また、故江戸家猫八、春風亭小朝、三田佳子と日本を代表する演奏家たちと共に、クラシック音楽の裾野を拡げるコンサート活動を全国各地で展開した。

​ 2010年に開催されたショパン生誕200年記念「知られざるショパン」(東京)のコンサートに於いて、
ウジェーヌ・イザイが1914年にヴァイオリンとピアノ用に編曲したショパンのピアノ曲「バラード第1番」未出版楽譜を米国議会図書館より桐朋学園大学図書館を通じ入手して演奏、その後、自筆譜を校訂、「ヴァイオリニストたちが愛したショパン」楽譜集(著書)に収め、全音楽譜出版社より世界初出版した。2014年同時にフォンテックよりCDリリース。2013-14年ブリュッセルのベルギー日本大使公邸およびワシントンの米国日本大使公邸、ニューヨークに於いて自身の演奏で披露、演奏会の模様はNHKTVニュース、ワシントンポスト、ワシントン共同など日米のメディアによって広く報じられた。 福岡県を拠点とする非営利団体日本イザイ協会を創立して、ウジェーヌ・イザイの音楽及びクラシック音楽の普及活動、ベルギー・日本をはじめ国際的な音楽文化交流や相互理解の促進に寄与している。


Ikuyo Nagata Pianist/ President of Ysaye Society of Japan

Ms. Nagata revised the autographic score of Ballade No.1 (Chopin composed) which Eugene Ysaye transcribed for the violin and the piano. Ms. Nagata is the author of the music book titled "La musique de Chopin qu'aiment jouer les violonistes "in English means "Chopin whom the violinists loved ". This book is composed with 5 scores, Ysaye's transcribed Waltz Posthumous-work E minor, the transcribed score of Pablo de Sarasate and August Wilhelmj and Ysaye's Ballade No.1 said above. It was published by Zen-On Music Publication Company with Mr. Tsuguo Tokunaga who supervised the finger-work.In October, 2013, the Concert sponsored and hosted by Japan Ambassador, Mr.Sakaba and his wife was held at the Ambassador's Residence in Brussels.Ms. Nagata played Ballade No.1 as the Belgian premiere concert with Mr. Tatsuki Narita. The music book was donated to the Belgian Royal Library where there is the Foundation of Ysaye in November of same year and the music book was possessed and registered in the Royal Library.In August, 2014, the Concert sponsored and hosted by Japan Ambassador, Mr.Sasae and his wife was held at the Ambassador's Residence in Washington D.C. Mr. David Plyer who is the researcher of Music Division of the Library of Congress that possessed the Ysaye's autographic score of Ballade No.1 gave commentary and Ms. Nagata played the program including Ysaye's Ballade No.1 with Ms. Reiko Watanabe, Violinist.in August, 2014, Ms. Nagata did the concert consist of performance and lecture of Ysaye's Works at Presbyterian Church in New York. In 2016,Holding a lecture concert <Ballade :Chopin & Ysaye >at the Tokyo GEIDAI Hall & the German Cultural Center held two performances."The Pride of Belgium Ysaye' s music series" accredited as official event for the 150th anniversary of Japan-Belgium friendship with in Brussels and in Kita-kyushu, Three performances she played as pianist. and in 2018 to commemorate the 160th anniversary of birth, holding "Ysaye Music Festival Japan 2018" in Fukuoka and in Tokyo with the Belgian Embassy co-sponsored and great succeed as a comprehensive producer. In 2019, At the time of publication, Ikuyo Nagata edited the first edition of the arrangements version, the world's first attempt, of two important works in music history left by Ysaye and Chausson.(Poeme elegiaque op.12 & Poeme op.25) She has performed in Tokyo, Osaka, Fukuoka and Belgium and continues to spread the music and classical music of Ysaye.Since 2010, since the establishment of the Ysaye Association of Japanbase on activities as contributing to the popularization and development of classical music & Ysaye's music as president of the Ysaye Society of Japan.

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