ミッシェル・ ストッケムモンス王立音楽院総長
Born in Brussels, Michel Stockhem (°1964) is a laureate of both University of Brussels (Musicology) and the Royal Conservatoire of Brussels, where he teached History of Music from 1992 to 2012. He is since 2012 general director of ARTS² (Mons, Belgium), a higher school for the Arts grouping Music, Theatre and Visuals Arts and merging two former State higher schools: the Higher School of Visual, Plastic and Spatial Arts (ESAPV) and the Royal Conservatoire of Mons (Music and Theatre), giving new life to this prestigious State school located in two historical buildings in Mons (European Capital of Culture, 2015).
An organist and a pianist, he still practices and gives illustrated lectures in Belgium and abroad.
His published writings comprise a.o. a broad study (Eugène Ysaÿe et la musique de chambre, Mardaga) and articles about Eugène Ysaÿe, another illustrated book on the Queen Elisabeth Music Chapel (Duculot/Lannoo, French, Dutch and English versions) and several articles in international periodicals and conference acts. He contributes monthly to the leading French monthly musical magazine, Diapason.
Michel Stockhem has been responsible of production of the Liege Philharmonic Orchestra, and has been very active as head of CD production companies, being also the artistic producer of more than 200 recordings. Artistic director of the label Cypres, he afterwards founded the Outhere group (2004), now one of the leading independent European production groups in classical music, hosting a.o. his own Fuga Libera label, which he left in 2012. He has been also responsible for broadcasted programmes on the 3rd Programme of the Belgian Public Radio (RTBF) with which he is still regularly collaborating, is a long term freelance collaborator of the Queen Elisabeth Competition and has been screenplay writer for two television documentaries (on Frank Peter Zimmermann, violinist, and on the story of the Queen Elisabeth Competition). He has given lectures in most of the European countries.
1964年 ベルギー、ブリュッセル生まれ。ブリュッセル大学音楽学科、ブリュッセル王立音楽院卒。オルガニスト、ピアニスト。
ブリュッセル王立音楽院講師(音楽史)を経て、 2012年より欧州文化都市に選ばれたモンス王立高等芸術大学の総学長に就任。
著書には、「イザイと室内楽」,「エリザベート王妃 ミュージック