2018年2月 パリにて フィリップ・グラファン
it is a great joy to visit Japan thanks to the Ysaye Society of Japan and Mme Ikuyo Nagata. I find it humbling that Almost nine decades after his death Eugene Ysaye 's legacy is still resonating within our musical community around the globe . Resonating thru his music ,thru his teaching and thru his collaborations with composers of his time .
A students of two of the most extraordinary virtuosos of the 19th century ,
Vieuxtemps and Wienawski , Ysaye did not only follow their paths as a
violinist but made himself available to collaborate with some of the most
inspired composers of his time , and in so doing invented the violin as
we now know it today .
I am deeply honoured to be joined with such an impressive list of unique
artists .
Not least Nobuko Imai , who 's eternal youthful curiosity and enthusiasm have
been a profound inspiration to me for so many years,
and with whom the prospect of playing the Debussy quartet is simply a dream
come true .
no less Katsura Mizumoto who is not only a most sensitive musician and a superb
pianist but without whom this Tribute to Ysaye would not have happened.
Philipp Graffin ,
Paris , february 2018.
このフェスティバルのリーダーをつとめるフィリップ・グラファンさんとは数十年来の付き合いで、国際的に活躍する真の音楽家として大変尊敬しています。また彼の天才的な独創力と、音楽と人に対する真摯な態度にいつも感動します。彼が日本でイザイのフェスティバルを始めるというのは画期的な事で、そのような機会を日本の聴衆の皆様と共有出来る事を私も大変嬉しく、楽しみにしております。 今井信子